JSC “SPA “Orion” designs and manufactures photoreceivers, photodetectors and modules in the UV to far IR band based on semi-conducting materials and compounds, both single- and multi-element, non-cooled, with thermal electrical coolers and microcryogenic machines for wide use, including space and air engineering systems.
JSC “SPA “Orion” carries out fundamental and applied researches to create radiation receivers within a range of 0.2 to 16 µm, IR technology, microphotoelectronic and thermal imaging devices and systems.
Consumers of JSC “SPA “Orion” are manufacturers of thermal imaging equipment, systems and complexes for various fields of activity: manufacture, power engineering, construction, medicine, transport, space, criminalistics, agriculture, security and safety, oil and gas industry, housing and utilities infrastructure and others.
We design devices, which comply with special requirements of individual consumers and adapt standard devices to specific requirements of our clients.
Research and design results are demonstrated on regular basis at scientific conferences and are published in the leading domestic and foreign scientific and technical magazines. In addition, JSC “SPA “Orion” is the founder of Applied Physics Success magazine and co-founder of Applied Physics magazine.