The Science and Engineering Board (hereinafter referred to as the SEB) is an advisory and expert body of the company's management on the issues of science, engineering and economy.

The SEB develops scientifically grounded recommendations for:

common scientific, technical and economic policy of the company;

further development of the company and its manufacturing and testing base;

solving of most critical scientific and technical issues related to the creation and manufacture of new equipment samples and improvement of new ones in accordance with the company's profile;

The SEB performs its work based on collective discussions, exchange of opinions, with due consideration of recent scientific and engineering developments, and systems analysis of engineering and economy development in Russia, practical experience and creative initiative of specialists.


The SEB is composed of the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Scientific Secretary and members of the Board.

The Scientific and Engineering Board bodies are the SEB sections subordinate to the SEB, which are composed of the Chairman, Scientific Secretary and members of the section – section profile specialists.

The Board includes scientific and engineering manpower, heads of the main scientific and technical divisions and directions, highly skilled specialists working for the company, technicians invited from organizations operating in the company's direction in accordance with the established procedure.

The SEB (SEB sections) may include invited members of the Board, whose participation in the Board work is inexpedient for whatever reason. Invited members of the Board have the right to casting vote at meetings they are invited to. Honored Doctors of the company have a status of invited SEB members.

The composition of the Scientific and Engineering Board, quantity of sections, their activity direction, and section staff are approved by an order of the General Director.

The permanent Chairman of the Scientific and Engineering (Academic) Board is the company's General Director.


The major objectives of the Scientific and Engineering (Academic) Board are as follows:

  • Defining major directions of scientific researches, manufacturing activity and prospects of further development of JSC “SPA “Orion”;
  • Considering long-term and annual plans of the company's scientific and production divisions;
  • Considering results of carried out scientific and research, experimental design and process works for creating new samples of photoelectronic systems and devices.
  • Preparing recommendations for the international cooperation organization in the field of new photoelectronic system and device creation.
  • Holding competitions for filling vacant positions of principal scientific researchers, lead scientific researchers, senior scientific researchers, heads of the scientific divisions and certifying employees that hold the above positions;
  • Nominating the company's employees to the academic ranks of professor and assistant professor by occupation;
  • Nominating prominent works, scientific works, scientific discoveries for various prizes and other honours; nominating scientists, engineers and technicians for scientific and honorary degrees; and nominating candidates for full members and associate members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other Academies of Sciences;
  • Expert judgement of the urgency of thesis subjects proposed to the company's postgraduates, approving thesis subjects, and solving organizational and technical solutions for preparing approved theses at the company;
  • Expert judgement and issue of conclusions on thesis works prepared at the company;
  • Solving principal scientific and technical issues arising in the course of most critical engineering object creation and manufacture;
  • Considering important materials, hearing review reports that characterize the status and tendencies in science and technology in the field of the company's specialization;
  • Implementing systematic analysis of the science and technology development level in the company's direction;
  • Considering issues on the introduction of latest achievements in science and technology, progressive technology; improving economy and technological infrastructure;
  • Discussing issues on training, improving, arranging in a most rational manner and using efficiently the scientific staff.

The SEB was created immediately after NII-801 establishment in 1946. The prominent scientists, such as the Full Members of the USSR Academy of Sciences L. A. Artsimovich, A. A. Lebedev, Associate Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences L. N. Kurbatov and others were part of the SEB in different periods.

Today the Scientific and Engineering Board is composed of 13 Board Members and 7 invited Board Members. The Honored Doctors of JSC “SPA “Orion” may participate in the Board work. The Board Members include 10 Doctors of Science, 5 Professors, 3 Candidates of Science, 3 Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation, Honored Inventor of the Ministry of Defence Industry of the Russian Federation, 2 Honored Members of the International Society of Optical Technology, 4 Honorary Specialists in Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, 3 Honored Machine Builders; Honored Chemist, laureate of the USSR state prize, 5 laureates of the Russian Federation state prize, laureate of the RF Government prize, laureate of the RF Ministry of Defence Industry prize, and Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.